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Icons from the Convent of St Philothei

Prophets, Patriarchs, and Righteous Saints of the Old Testament

Prophet Aaron

Prophet Abbakum (Habakkuk)

Patriarch Abraham

Righteous Anna
(Mother of the Prophet Samuel)

Prophet Daniel-1

Prophet Daniel-3

Prophet David-1

Prophet David-2

Prophet Elias (Elijah) -1

Prophet Elias (Elijah) -2

Prophet Elias (Elijah) -3

Prophet Elias (Elijah) -4

Prophet Elissaios (Elisha)

Prophetess Elizabeth
and St John the Baptist-1

Prophetess Elizabeth
and St John the Baptist-2

Prophet Esaias (Isaiah)

Righteous Esther

Patriarch Isaac

Patriarch Jacob

Righteous Job-1

Prophet Jonas (Jonah)

Patriarch Joseph-1

Righteous Joseph -2

Righteous Joseph -3

Righteous Judith

Prophet Moses -1

Prophet Moses-2

Righteous Noah

Righteous Rachel-1

Righteous Rachel-2

Righteous Rachel-3

Righteous Rebecca-1

Righteous Rebecca-2

Righteous Ruth-1

Righteous Ruth-2

Righteous Ruth-3

Prophet Samuel

Righteous Sarah

Righteous Susanna
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