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Icons from the Convent of St Philothei

Two or more Saints

Sts. Anthony and Makarius
the Romans of Novgorod

Sts. Dorotheos and Dositheos of Gaza

Sts Etheldreda and Edith

Sts Gildas and Bede

Sts Anthony and Theodosios of Kiev
of the Kiev Caves

Sts. Adrian and Natalia

Sts. Cyprian and Justina

Sts. Cyril and Methodios

Sts. Constantine and Helen

Sts. Cyricus and Julitta

The Visitation of the Theotokos
with St. Elizabeth

Sts. Mary of Egypt and Zosima

Dormition of St. Mary of Egypt

Mother of God with
Sts. Joachim and Anna

Three Holy Hierarchs
Sts. Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, and Gregory the Theologian

Sts John Cassian, Benedict,
and Vincent

Five Confessors of Orthodoxy
Sts. Gregory Palamas, Maximos, Photios, Theodore the Studite, and Mark of Ephesus (Evgenikos)

All Saints
max size 24 x 42 cm

All Saints of Scandinavia and the Nordic Lands
Max size 40 x 64 cm

Saints of Scandinavia-2

Synaxis of the Fathers of Gaza

Enlighteners of Bavaria
Sts. Boniface, Robert, Emmeram, and Corbinian

Family of St Basil the Great
Maximum size 26 x 42 cm.

Sts. Sophia and daughters

Sts. Sophronios, Glicherie,
and Blaise (Vlasios)

Apostolic Fathers

Saints of Antioch

Women Saints of Antioch
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